Feedback from our visitors
Stéphanie, 28 years old
“It’s the first time that I’ve come to BiObernai. With the arrival of my children, I start to become aware that it’s necessary to pay attention to our planet, to what we eat, etc. It’s impressive to see all the Organic diversity of the products. Often, there are prejudices against organic food. I thought, for example, that we were limited to a very restricted number of products if one decided to cook Organic but the trade fair showed me that this was false!”
René, 78 years old
“Especially since I am retired, I spend most of my day outside, in my garden. My garden, it’s my pride! I grow salads, carrots, currants, tomatoes, etc for my children and grandchildren. This is why, I like to come to BiObernai every year, to find small tips to cultivate my garden while respecting nature.”
Johan, 9 years old
“ This year, grandpa and grandma took me along to BiObernai with my cousins. It was funny! Grandpa showed us the animals and, while he looked at the stands with Granny, we created a feeder, which we will put in the garden this winter to feed the birds. But what I preferred was to ride a donkey!”